Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Third: My Political Ideology v. Political Opinion

According to Pew Typology Test, I rank as an Enterpriser, meaning an extremely conservative person. This group is very conservative on most social issues as well as economic issues. In my personal thoughts, my political ideology is definitely more conservative than most people my age, yet I am convinced that all my political opinions are not staunchly conservative. While creating political cartoons, it is very important to express your opinion. In most cases, political cartoons are used to portray the artist’s feeling toward a situation. For that reason, I find that my work for the past comprehensive assignments have definitely expressed my political opinions, and I know that they will continue to do so in the future.

After analyzing my last two political cartoons, I would consider my political opinions on issues like freedom of religion to be much more Moderate than that of most typical Enterprisers. For example, the political cartoon I drew for Lecture Two takes a satirical stance mocking the debate over the placement of the Muslim temple in New York City. While many current Enterprisers would support the argument that Muslim’s should be treated differently because of the actions of a small group almost ten years ago, I tend to lean to the more liberal side. According to the Constitution, all people have the right to practice their own form of religion and no government body can interfere with that right. Even more so, my work for the first lecture represented the Anti-Federalist stance which is sometimes considered to be the origin of the Democratic party. Therefore, my political cartoons tend to represent my political opinions much more so than my Pew Typology political ideology. This cartoon is a representation of that dichotomy.

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